We want to give a warm welcome to a new member of our staff team.

Selina Perocevic, Course Lead for the Therapeutic Work with Children and Young People course

Originally trained as a Psychologist in Italy, Selina qualified as Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Clinic in London in 2001. Since then she has worked in a number of roles in the public sector, and has taught on Tavistock model pre-clinical courses in the UK and abroad. 

Since 2010 Selina has been in Wakefield CAMHS, West Yorkshire, as Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist/ Head of Service. Selina is a member of the teaching team on the ACP accredited Doctoral programmes in Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy in Leeds (NSCAP) and in Birmingham (BTPP). Selina is a service supervisor for child & adolescent psychotherapists in clinical training, and also an intensive case supervisor.

Selina is a Psychoanalyst in private practice, working in Leeds (Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society).

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