Photo of Mona Macdonald

Mona Wickes (previously Macdonald) died peacefully at her home in Edinburgh on Saturday 15th April 2023.  Mona was a long-time Trainer and staff member of the former Scottish Institute of Human Relations (SIHR). HDS was formed to carry on the work of the SIHR, established by Dr John (Jock) Sutherland and others in 1971 with the aim of expanding the application of psychodynamic thought in Scotland. 

Founding our Human Relations and Counselling course  

Mona began the Wider Horizons for Women programme in the Extramural Department of the University of Edinburgh, supported Jock Sutherland throughout the early years of the SIHR, and founded and led the Human Relations and Counselling (HRC) course which flourished from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. The HRC course was a collaboration between Edinburgh University Extramural Department and the SIHR and was easily the most significant and successful development associated with the Institute in its glory years. 

Mona kindly donated her own psychoanalytic library to HDS last year.

Wisdom and expertise 

Mona’s knowledge extended beyond psychoanalysis into other cognitive and relational sources - a real pluralist. Later, Mona trained and practised as an Analytical Psychotherapist in Edinburgh. She also served as an SIHR Trustee. Her quiet wisdom was very impressive.

Mona was married to Lt Col Donald Wickes.

Our tribute to Mona

HDS has conveyed our condolences to Mona’s family, and we want to pay tribute to Mona’s outstanding and valuable contribution to the SIHR.  She played a pivotal role, not only at the SIHR but also in contributing to the success of HDS today as we continue to offer the training and services previously delivered by the SIHR.

Today, students continue to receive teaching in one of our training rooms named after Mona, demonstrating her lasting legacy. 

In July 2024, we learned that Mona made a generous legacy donation in her will.  With the blessing of the Executors of Mona's will, we want to publicly acknowledge the bequest.