Make a referral Make a referral: organising your content Create a form for people to make a referral to your services. Although forms are secure, they are not fully encrypted, so we recommend asking only for basic details that you can follow up on separately, or using a secure third-party platform. Content tips Details of who can make a referral (and who can be referred) need to be precise. Make it clear what will happen after you receive the form, including a realistic suggestion of how long it might be before you follow up. If potential service users need to ask for a referral elsewhere (such as from their GP), provide clear instructions for what they will need to ask for. You may want to provide a downloadable PDF with details of the service that they can print, or an email template to copy, to make it as easy as possible for users. To access the links above you will need to be registered on our support site. Manage Cookie Preferences